what does holden ask the cab driver

Holden gives the taxi driver his parents address by mistake. Both times Holden asks cab drivers … Essay dealing with the symbolism of Holden's inquiry of the ducks and fish in Central Park. Holden asks the taxi driver about his major concern; where do the ducks in Central Park go in the winter? He asks specifically about what they do during the winter. Once again Holden tries to strike up a conversation with the driver and find out where the ducks take refuge in winter. What does the … catcher and the rye chapters 9-12. Holden takes a cab to the Edmont Hotel. Where do the Ducks go in the winter. Anonymous. Chapter 9, pg. 1 decade ago. 60 The cab driver brushes off the question, refuses Holden's offer to join him for a cocktail, and drops Holden off at the Edmont Hotel. What question does Holden ask the cab driver that makes the driver think he's crazy? What was the Edmont Hotel like? Describe the scene at the hotel when Holden arrives. Hold admits to being confused about sex and Kanell always keep to the rules he wishes to die off. What question does Holden ask the cab driver? The question is so out of the blue that even the cab driver thinks that Holden is messing with him. Cite three examples - The people did not know talent - You could not really see Ernie playing- He was tired of in and out of taxicabs(.Yes, and maybe clear his head.) 5 Answers. Twice Holden makes inquiries about where the ducks in Central Park's lagoon go in the winter (Chapter 9 and Chapter 12). Holden’s focus on … Why do you think Holden walked all the way back to the hotel? What role do these ducks play in his life, what symbolism does it have in the book? 5. What question did Holden ask the cab driver when they were ... Standard automotive insurance is required for driving a cab in New York City. From the given question, Holden keeps asking the different can drivers if they knew where the ducks who live in Central Park South lagoon go when the water freezes over. After they drive for a while, Holden realizes he forgot to tell him to go to the Edmont Hotel. 3. He is an awkward person "People always clap for the wrong things." Favorite Answer. Salinger, Holden Caulfield strikes up a conversation with a New York cab driver about the fish and ducks in Central Park. Again, what does the duck question ( ask of Horowitz, the cab driver) show about Holden's character? Holden recognizes that it’s unlikely that the cab driver would know the answer but still asks the question, similar to the way a child often asks his parent anything that comes to mind. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. When did this question come up before and why do you think he asks it? The taxi-driver scowls at his question and begins to talk about fish instead. (pg. Also, when he asked same question to a taxi driver, the taxi-driver frowned at his question and then begins to talk about something else like fish instead. according to Holden. As earlier, Holden asks the taxi-driver to have a drink with him and is again rejected. The hotel doesn't do much to lift Holden's spirits. What questions does Holden ask the cab driver? Why? Asked by Ty S #520689 on 4/19/2016 1:13 AM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 4/19/2016 1:55 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. What question does Holden ask the cab driver that makes the cab driver stop talking to him? The bellboy is an old man with a comb-over, "a gorgeous job for a guy around sixty-five years old." Relevance. He says to have sex with a girl you must have a good relationship with her, you must really like her. In "The Catcher in the Rye," why does Holden ask the taxi drivers where the ducks go in the winter? Answer Save. 4. ( Maybe he wanted to go there instead of confronting his parents.)

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