michael lavaughn robinson 1981

She only received breasts. handbill.us/2020/08/22/1981-high...leaves-little...born-michael-robinson-2 Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois, to Fraser Robinson III, Marian. Ah yes .. the usual fake name. Dead Stream News: Finally Admits Michele Obama Is Michael LaVaughn Robinson usapoliticstoday.com Shocking New Revelation about Michelle Obama – Must Read !!! IT IS ALL ABOUT THEIR RELIGION – SATANISM!!! Did you read the post? Michael became Michelle — and married Obama on a … Michelle was born Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois. In 1981, Michelle Obama enrolled at Princeton University, where she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in 1985. I’m doubtful about all of this transgender stuff about Michelle Robinson even if it seems plausible given all the information provided on the internet. What if the fires of Islamic democracy spread back to Mecca? Michael Lavaughn Robinson Childhood Pictures . There are pictures from when she was young and she was a girl in all of them. This is disturbing to say the least and is yet another sign of the impending End Times prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelation. It’s APPALLING HOW THE DEEP STATE SWAMP DWELLERS GET AWAY WITH CONTINUING LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FOR POLITICAL POWER.WHY NOT JUST BE HONEST AND OPEN LETTING THE VOTERS MAKE THEIR CHOICE? Some of you really think you hear God. no unrenpented sin will enter the kingdom of heaven. Get a job. http://www.classmates.com/siteui/yearbooks/21231?page=63 You have WAY too much time on your hands. Of particular note was one named; ‘Man’s Country’. You losers don’t know when you’re being F’d with, or Trolled! Let me know if you think I’m wrong about this because I never liked him as President in any way, shape or form. Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr. a Kenyan immigrant who later became aware of Michelle s true identity. “Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Anybody with any common sense will research this subject and come to one conclusion; That BIG MIKE is a Male hiding behind a DRAG outfit. As discussed above, she does indeed have broad shoulders, developed musculature, and is probably outside of the bell curve in regards to height. Here are two pictures of Michelle Obama with a strange crotch-level protuberance suggestive of a penis. Not a compelling argument by any standard. Her / his penis OBVIOUSLY shows this in Many photographs over the years. Make little sense. But how has this idea persisted in pockets of the internet, only to be given voice or ‘credentialised’ by Alex Jones on his own platform? Already the fact that the ceremony is about Mike Mullen halves the probability that he was even referring to Michelle Obama in the first place. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Luckily, there is still an underground media rebellion that has managed to survive these dark times. nothing in this world is important except getting to know God and becoming his child and living faithly and total obedience to him till the end and then spend enternity with him heaven. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. And Im not Republican. I know this is a satire – but for those who think Michelle is a byproduct of gender reassignment surgery, why would her penis be protruding in that picture with the green dress? It also does not help that the media in general is overwhelmingly favourable to the Obamas, and to the conspiracy theorist a major publication refuting the claims would seem more like a press release than an investigative piece. Not all transgenders have had surgery.His body dimensions are those of a male in the most scientific bio-evaluations. You don’t have to give birth these days to have a child! Whether its implied in thanksgiving dinner table conversations gone awry or as further proof of a deep-state agenda on back-page message boards, a good deal of evidence has been produced to support these claims. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III , a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson , a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. THAT WOMEN IS HUNG BETTER THEN MOST MEN CHECK HIM OUT ON THE ELLEN SHOW IT SWINGS GOOOD! He might only dress as a woman but still has the ability to be a parent. 1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson!!! This article will examine this claim, including the strongest available photographic and video evidence. updated by Design Nebula, Virtual beer at a pub located near the campus of the University of Washington, Many photos posted to the internet prior to the election were apparently Photoshoped to make Michael/Michelle appear to. Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr. a Kenyan immigrant who later became aware of Michelle s true identity. Unannotateded image, specially when there is a phonetic similarity between two names, part of a video hosted by YouTube channel ‘Truth Matrix’, How To Be Gender Inclusive When Writing About Abortion, How to Ensure Equal Access to Abortion, and How We Failed Women, Religious Exemptions in Child Welfare System Would Harm Millions of Children, LGBTQ People Have a Right to Public Sexuality, How I Was Discriminated Against Because of My Foreign Name Throughout My Life, The Mask of Masculinity Is Hurting Everyone, The Red Pom Hat on The Fearless Girl (and the Wall Street Bro), That Barack Obama’s transgender (or cross-dressing) nanny primed him for attraction or affiliation to transgender people, thus leading him to Michelle (assuming she, Barack Obama is sexually attracted to transgender women because he was raised by a man who dressed as a woman and used to assume a feminine identity (an identity now apparently eschewed), Barack Obama intended to say ‘Michelle (Obama) and I also want to acknowledge your son Jack was deployed today.’. Michael LaVaughn Robinson | Fellowship of the Minds Mar 14, 2014 ... Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Of course this matters. …he [Barack Obama] kept calling her [Michelle Obama] Michael in all these press conferences and events. A lawyer by training, she is the 44th First Lady and the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree. Anyone who has a mother and siblings probably can’t count the amount of times they’ve been called the incorrect name. He ruined out country. BS story. Read The Book of Matthews. Michelle's father, Fraser Robinson, was a city-pump operator and a Democratic precinct captain. Don Nicoloff pointed out that the other faces are also famous personalities, such as Walt Frazer, seen on the left] Well ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first at Christwire.org, our “First Lady” is actually the First Man. Claim 3A: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Transition Ceremony (link). Tags: April 1, Repugnants, satire In this instance, Barack Obama does not say ‘Michael’ fully, he says ‘my mi- (phonetic ‘maɪ’). People who DO NOT believe this are just HOPELESS fools grabbing at straws and cannot admit the obvious.She was NOT a First Lady she was a First Queen. this bs no proof of transgender. Michelle Obama’s transgender identity is evidence of a large deep-state conspiracy. We conservatives have known about this “State media” quite some time. Of particular note was one named; ‘Man’s Country’. But even if he had, it would still not be substantial evidence that Michelle herself is transgender. The collection that consisting of chosen picture and the best amongst others. It’s not uncommon when operating on the outside of mainstream political discource or alt-right circles to hear theories about Michelle Obama being a biological male masquerading as a woman or transgender. One more thing. So, is this video proof that Barack Obama called Michelle Obama ‘Michael’? He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. (In the last photo of dancing Obama, notice the broad, manly shoulders and the tightened belt around the abdomen, which is likely used to simulate a feminine “hourglass” type physique… The reason he is dancing is because he is happy to be back on a football field after quitting the game he loved to become a woman, decades earlier. Ever since that picture with the 2 of them at the basketball game with the shoulders and the hairy armpits plus Obama calling her Michael 10 times.and the bulge in his i mean her dress is more than this Kiowa can bear! Go to the Classmates web site and look up the high school where she attended, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, and you will see in the year books 1980: Michael Lavaughn Robinson Birth. I would say that it’s possible, but given the phonetic similarities, it isn’t probable, and it certainly isn’t compelling as a piece of evidence on its own. Whatever Michelle, called Michael twice by Barack,is, she definitely fixed her “package” twice that I have seen. We have also consulted medical experts who have carefully analyzed “her” anatomy, finding that her broad shoulders and pointed jaw line are consistent with that of a male… more specifically a male football player. On youtube. Just look at the football picture. PPPFFFTTT!!! Uh, I get worried. “Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. According to the Examiner, after high school Michael Obama had a sex change operation done, after having supposedly claimed for years to have been a woman in a man’s body.“Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in … ... Michelle aka Michael Robinson Obama circa 1981, right #44. YOU not I somehow found this post. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. I’ll grant you this much, she/he is an amazon of a woman and there are women who are amazons, ergo the descriptive noun. Merely establishing a sexual inclination is not stable ground enough to indicate the sex or gender of one’s ultimate partner; evidenced by countless closeted homosexuals and individual experimentations in sexual attraction. Ask Trump to get saliva samples for DNA. https://www.thoughtco.com/profile-of-michelle-obama-3533918 That gooney goo-goo was shaved down and taught how to be a lady by Dr. Doolittle ! He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III , a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson , a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. So as much with the previous claim, it could have been a misnaming, but not a confusion of names (as there was no Admiral Mullen present), a confusion of words (‘wife’ and ‘Mike’), and is ultimately predicated on the claim that Michelle Obama’s former name is Michael, of which the evidence is so weak and wrought with fabrication I was unable to present it here (please see further notes in the sources section). Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. In the day of judgement when God comes back to judge us whatever gender we were born,that is what we will forever be. I definetly beieve it shes a guy no big deal But if shes runs for president it will be bigger tha Obamas birth certificate!!! In this article I will examine the most ‘mainstream’ claim that Michelle Obama is a transgender woman, a claim made popular through a video produced by Alex Jones which is itself an aggregation of the most substantiated claims available (named below), and a supplementary claim made by Alex Jones in another video released at a later date in relation to Michelle Obama having Klinefelter’s Syndrome. theaveeditor- Your posts are idiotic…Funny when you idiots start calling people Trumpsters! A close inspection here is of female athletes with a ‘masculine appearing’ phenotype, if we borrow Alex Jones’s own standard of broad shoulders, smaller breasts, and defined musculature. Here are two pictures of Michelle Obama with a strange crotch-level protuberance suggestive of a penis. Claim 4 The Obamas help Malia move into Harvard dorm (link). FIrst of all, after a sex change operation, she could not have children; second, where is the record of the medical operation? Satanists have infiltrated every single area inc. Gov’t, Corp Execs, etc. How do you call your wife Michael when it’s Michelle? Michael LaVaughn Robinson About two months ago, my office was contacted by an anonymous source who claimed to be a former White House staff member of the Obama administration. Any GAY MAN would never marry a woman. Record: 1-10 (130th of 137) (Schedule & Results) Conference: Pac-10 Conference Record: 0-7 Coach: Joe Avezzano (1-10) Points For: 145 Points/G: 13.2 (122nd of 137) Points Against: 469 Opp Pts/G: 42.6 (136th of 137) SRS: -15.54 (129th of 137) . When it’s really mostly just a bunch of democrats arguing amongst themselves! Read it. LOL.. Although a dearth of evidence is not in itself evidence of something, I was unable (with a few minutes of searching) to find Barack saying ‘My Michelle’ in any public records. Posted 22 Aug 2020 by theaveeditor She doesn’t look like any black woman or any woman that I’ve ever known. Michael became Michelle — and married Obama on a date neither can remember. In reviewing the video looks like he was attempting to say ‘my wife’ and ‘Michelle’ (or Michael) at the same time. He is still a very angry black man. The left loons also know it..but think it ok because of their worped brains. Which leads us to the second reason the rumour persists, 2. While this wouldn’t usually be applied to other masculine looking women, or even women that have masculine characteristics (see: Anne Coulter’s hands), it is with Michelle Obama. Close • … Michelle Lavaughn Robinson Birth Certificate A wittier and more fitting motive was the intention to create a two-fold raucous, with the histrionically virtuous claiming offense, and the desperately gullible taking the quip as proof of a larger conspiracy. On August 18, 2020, Michael LaVaughn Robinson started trending on Twitter after the speech of Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the USA.She delivered a speech as the US elections are around the corner, and spoke in favor of Joe Bidden, and against the current President of the United States – Donald Trump.Advertisement.

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