guinea pig hasn't pooped all day

maybe this will help, The gray and white is an American smooth hair pig, and the tricolor one is an Abyssinian piggy, do guinea pigs poop more when pregnant? Bunny poops. Scoop out any droppings you notice during the day to keep the cage clean. You can also use guinea pig poop to make a liquid fertilizer. If a Teddy Guinea Pig is bred to a American crested what fur type will the babies end up having? Favourite answer. Other guinea pigs will confine their poop to a certain area. Yes, it is. I don’t think you are qualified to give ANYONE advise on how to properly keep guinea pigs, considering you dumped the ones you “rescued” for adoption after a year. Guinea pigs need to eat constantly and should not be without food for more then eight hours or it is fatal. Thanks to everyone who has helped make this guide better! Loads of newspaper and tons of bedding only to be thrown out 5 days later. Vote. For example, a guinea pig with a Salmonella infection will pass Salmonella bacteria in his poop, and if you handle it and get it into your system (like, you didn’t wash your hands and touched your mouth, nose, or eyes with infected hands), you could contract salmonellosis. Put your guinea pig poop in a bucket or can, then add water in a 2:1 ratio (2 parts water to 1 part guinea pig poop). And by “a lot”, I mean there was so much poop ALL THE TIME, that keeping his area clean was nearly a full-time job. Please share in the comments below. MY GUINEA PIG POOPED ON ME WHEN IT WAS IN MY LAP. Guinea pigs weigh about two to three pounds, come in a variety of colors, are very social, live, on average, 6 to 8 years, and make great pets for children and adults alike. Constipation could be a symptom of a life-threatening condition such as internal … What comments, observations, or questions do you have about guinea pig poop? Please help. Bertsbees. If you hold your piggy so his tummy is against your ear you should be able to hear gurgling sounds - if not, your piggy has a problem. What the ?!?! My Guinea Pig hasn't pooped at all in the last couple days, he's drinking water alright, but I think he's not eating as much as he normally does. A lot of guinea pig owners swear by using fleece bedding because it looks nice, and you can clean it by throwing it in the laundry. If you prefer something easier and less hands-on, the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Handheld Vacuum sucks up those pellets in a jiffy. GI stasis can quickly lead to life-threatening conditions in guinea pigs. For the past 3 or so days, she hasn't been pooping as regularly as she used to. I can't take him to the vet since the ones in my town have little to no experience with small animals, and in fact, another Guinea Pig I once had died because of a medicine we were told to give her, so I don't want to run risks this time. The answer depends on the guinea pig. In the wild, guinea pigs are prey animals. Coronet Guinea Pig: How Well Do You Know This Breed? But she still eats food and drinks water. Hopefully whoever the new owners are, hired a guinea pig psychologist. But like any fecal matter, it will contain bacteria or viruses if the guinea pig has a current infection. Introduction to Guinea Pigs . What is with the dropping floating down the screen? Relevance.:Kimberly:. I couldn’t believe how much this cute little critter pooped! Post Feb 17, 2009 #1 2009-02-17T00:56. He's still active and looks to the viv door for food on feeding days. It provides nitrogen and phosphorus for your plants. There are various causes of not being able to poop but one external cause is impaction, which affects the muscle walls of the anus and the 2 parts connected to it – the perineal sac which is larger and contains a couple of glands; and the rectum, where your guinea pig will expel all its caecal and fecal matter. The same goes for LCMV (lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus). You could just click the stop sign to make it stop. So she needs at least 10 cc at a time. Guinea pigs are known to produce a good amount of urine and feces, and nothing seems to be off limits as a deposit area, even food and water dishes. Let it sit for 1-2 days. hi, I got two guinea pigs from craigslist recently and was wondering if you could tell me what kind of breeds they are I think one of them is american but i’m not 100% sure. Laura on March 29, 2017: My leopard gecko isn't poopin at all. Yes, it is. I have one, and I was starting to get worried because he poops so much? Vote. It hasn't been messing with her and only the baby poops she still eats but hasn't pooped have any ideas. It’s because of that sensitivity to touch that guinea pigs will often poop a lot after you handle them. Guinea pig poop makes a great fertilizer and can be used in compost bins and piles, as well. How can I help piggy poop? User account menu. After we got him, however, I learned that rabbits poop A LOT. Inn the meantime, top up his food by syringe feeding his food pellets mashed up in warm water, and massage his tummy gently to help keep the gut active. If your guinea pig is constipated, you may observe the guinea pig is uncomfortable during pooping or is acting like he’s pooping but nothing comes out. You will have to go to another area. Bertsbees. Press J to jump to the feed. The virus is most commonly found in house mice, but guinea pigs can contract it if they come into contact with it. You really need urgent help with this little one or he will not make it. If your guinea pig appear bloated, acts lethargic or seem to be in obvious distress, call your vet's office immediately. Still eats, but won't poop!!!! Some guinea pigs will poop anywhere and everywhere. 112. And they're not hard poops, they're more like diarrhea (wet and mushy). When a piggie has to go, a piggie has to go. It’s not necessary to compost it first. UPDATE: The SPCA said all available guinea pigs have been adopted as of Tuesday afternoon. She's lethargic. Like us guinea pigs need to get their bodies’ calcium from their diet to maintain these important systems. Can a rat with three feet live a full life? Feed pumpkin for a full 2 weeks after constipation resolves and gradually decrease the amount fed over 2 weeks until none is being fed. It provides nitrogen and phosphorus for your plants. It’s kinda assumed knowledge that if it eats and breathes… it POOPS! And yeah our baby guinea pig did take like five minutes to make all that poo or more. I highlight all the different types of bedding you can get and I show you the best option to go for. That’s horrible! This being the case, it’s not surprising that guinea pigs might pee on people. They should be uniform in size and shape which means rounded and pea to garbanzo sized. Seems like your cat was dehydrating because of which its poop had hardened. They said they tasted good. guinea pigs eat there poop for vitamins when they don't have anough hay. by Bart King. Guinea pig hasn't pooped since Sunday? And it's not a voluntary thing. If you are after one of these fleece beddings, you can check em out here. How are we supposed to read it! The treatment for this can be painful. I had them for about a year and gave them up for adoption. If she's not eating anything else, she needs 50-60 cc of Critical Care or pellet slurry every day, split into 5-6 feedings. Guinea Pigs for Adoption – Guinea Pig Rescue Directory, If the other one doesn't poop at all make sure it has plenty of food and lots of water so it doesn't get dehydrated. Little verabelle hasn't had a poop party since Sunday and I'm worried. If it’s not diarrhea, I would just monitor it for a few days. Those things eat and poop like crazy! My guinea pig Truffles is 18 months old. The guinea pigs live on a ranch, their poop is collected, and then it is used to generate electricity to help power the town. WAS IT SCARED. To clean up after your guinea pig, scoop out the shavings from its cage and change the newspaper lining and bedding once a day to remove any excrement. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber? If you do not get him to a vet he will die. Guinea pigs can become infected with the Toxoplasma gondii bacterium, and although it is rare, it is possible. the amount this one has produced in the past 24 hours is a bit alarming. Also you could go to a different vet in a different town. You can also check the guinea lynx website: It is very dangerous your guinea pig has not pooped. she has basically pooped out the bottom of a 3×2 cc cage. If it gets worse, take him to a vet. We've had her for a year and a half, and no problems until now. That’s my lowdown on guinea pig poop. If the one doesn't poop at all with in a day or more take it to a vet. Eventually they might stop doing it while you hold them but only one of my pigs actually will hold it the entire time I hold her, one tries to hold it and gives signs when she needs to "go" by nipping me and … And so the poop was not coming out. How do you deal…, Here is an infographic I made to show some facts about Abyssinian Guinea Pigs at…, [cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 25px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin:…, What if the poop is not diarrhea, yet just very wet and still solid, is this ok? If your piggy really hasn't pooped, this is a sign of gastro-intestinal stasis which can kill. Put your guinea pig poop … Everything You Need to Know! However, if your guinea pig hasn't passed feces in 12 to24 hours, call your veterinarian's office for an exam.   Learn some facts about guinea pigs and what you need to consider before choosing a guinea pig … Then you can either strain the liquid out to pour onto your plants, or just pour it as-is onto the soil around your plants. great information but the poo images coming down the screen is so annoying! ? This can only be fed if the pigs are drinking plenty of water. I sold them to Peruvians. I started to panic and tossed in all her favourite foods in which she refused each and every one. Guinea pigs are in danger of dying if they don't eat all the time. First thing is first, you are probably reading this article in hindsight, so what is the best way to clean up your guinea pig poo. Fiber laxatives (Metamucil) – 1 tablespoonful twice a day. Everything You Need to Know! Boar poop is usually a bit larger in size than sow poop. HOLY COW! Guinea pig poop makes a great fertilizer and can be used in compost bins and piles, as well. make sure there is lots of hay in the hutch/cage. Firstly, you take them from a rescue centre only to dump them again a year later… guinea pigs live up to seven years and can suffer psychological damage just like abandoned cats and dogs. Tell me about it! Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cabbage? fresh vegetables). This gas build-up can be very painful and potentially fatal so immediate veterinarian care is a must! Not eating or drinking is a bad sign, but you also say he is eating spinach (not the best food for a guinea pig as it is high in oxalate which can predispose towards bladder stones). Grandma says she was crying yesterday in pain. Signs of constipation in the pig: hunched over appearance with our without a humped over back, bloated/distended belly, behavioral change, overall whininess of your pig, like he/she doesn't feel well, straining to defecate with little or no results (straining with NO results for any amount of time can be a serious problem, little results for more than one day can indicate a bigger problem too, not defecating … As a result, they’ve developed a highly sensitive fight or flight response and are quite sensitive to touch. When my kids were young, I got them this cute little bunny rabbit. If she's not eating, you have to feed her. The most essential elements in guinea pig diet are clean water, fresh guinea pig hay, and supplement (i.e. Is It Safe To Use Guinea Pig Poop as a Fertilizer? Putting a few drops of olive oil on a treat he enjoys can also help move things along. Oh…and if males they fight like crazy and draw blood. Do you have to pin or tie rat bait blocks. Pregnant women are often advised to stay away from cat litter boxes because there is a slight chance of encountering Toxoplasma gondii parasites present in an infected cat’s feces. 8 Answers. If your guinea pig has not pooped for 6 or more hours, you need to take them to the veterinary surgeon. LCMV causes lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM). Guinea Pig Breed Guide: How Well Do You Know the Baldwin? Sorry! If you want to prevent this, you need to make sure that your guinea pig has a clean and healthy living environment and a healthy diet full of grass hay. For larger pigs (bigger than 40 pounds), feed ½ can three times per day. Source: Cute! Hi all, well I haven't been on this forum for a very long time so I am sorry that my first new post is the sad news that my little friend Bert passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning. The size of … Answer Save. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A healthy guinea pig’s poop will consist of small, hard pellets, so cleaning it up is not a problem. Ring round to see if you can find a more knowledgeable vet. Seriously, go browse other forums. It’s not necessary to compost it first. If you do not get him to a vet he will die. Lv 5. If you are after some nice guinea pig bedding, feel free to check out an article I wrote up about this topic. There are LOTS of animals want to eat them. For small pigs, feed ¼ can three times per day. A lot of guinea pigs will pick a corner and use that area most often to do their business. But you have to clean fleece bedding a bit more often than you would if you used a shavings-based bedding. She'll be accompanied by her favorite blue car and my step dad who care for her like a step peeg. Guinea pig just died-would really like some information Guinea pig just died-would really like some information . She usually pooped at least a couple times every hour, but now I only see her squeeze out about 1 or 2 poops a day. While you’re changing the lining, spray the cage down with a pet-safe disinfectant to kill any bacteria. If you are after a litter. Most guinea pigs will not poop while being held, though. What are those behaviours? Edit: Verabelle is going to the vet tomorrow morning. It is very dangerous your guinea pig has not pooped. I had three and in one day they did about 100 turds! Just know it’s temporary! GUINEA PIG BLOAT. This is a dangerous condition for pregnant women to contract because it has been shown to cause mental retardation, hydrocephalus (“water on the brain”), and chorioretinitis in infants of infected mothers. 112. Probably the most common method is just to take a small mini-broom and a dustpan and sweet it up. What do the color variations in guinea excrement signify? I needed a backhoe! Posted by just now. Log In Sign Up. You will have to go to another area. Just so you know, a high metabolism makes dropping feces a very frequent event. Why do guinea pigs exhibit dominance behaviours? Pregnancy does sometimes increase the amount of poop sometimes. Always consult your vet before changing your rabbit's diet. Typical treatment would be emeprid (metoclopramide) to stimulate the gut, but you need to get this from a vet. The rescue said nothing to me about that! So why did you had feed your cat something wet and why your cat hasn’t pooped since 2 or 3 days? Guinea pig manure can be added directly to your garden or flower beds. Guinea pig manure can be added directly to your garden or flower beds. I've noticed for the last few days that she's been acting strange. Man! That's what they do. LCM symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, nausea, and vomiting. He's only over a year old, so I doubt it's impaction (in fact, I say "he" but I'm not actually sure of his sex). If your bunny hasn't pooped in the last 24 hours, please take your bunny to a veterinarian as soon as possible. I'm getting really concerned for my guinea pig. However, remember that LCMV is very rare in guinea pigs, so usually you have nothing to worry about. As a general rule, guinea pig poop is safe to be around. Guinea pigs are unable to pass any gas produced in the intestines, so if a piggy’s belly appears swollen or distended, it may be a sign of bloat if accompanied by weakness, loss of appetite, heaving breathing, restless movements and/or constipation.

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