can cats eat chocolate

You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Read too: Can Cats eat Eggs? Even if your cat eats a little chocolate here and there, it’s still not healthy. Products are on the market that mimic sweet treats or chocolate tastes if you truly want to provide a treat or believe your cat likes chocolate. The consequences of the cat eating these amounts of chocolate can be accelerated heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, coma, and death. The consequences of the cat eating these amounts of chocolate can be accelerated heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, coma, and death. My kids have paws. Dairy is also why chocolate milk seems to be the most common chocolatey treat that is stolen by our feline companions, well besides chocolate icecream . The darker the chocolate, the more cacao it contains. Therefore, it’s only natural for cat owners who are conscious of their pet’s diet to wonder whether it is safe for their cat or not. My kids have paws. Chocolate is toxic for cats to eat and can cause serious harm if not treated immediately. But don’t panic, take a deep breath, and keep reading to discover the symptoms of the toxicity of chocolate to determine the severity of the symptoms and, therefore, to proceed accordingly. Alcohol. While it’s rare that a cat will want to eat it at all, keeping chocolate safely locked away in a cupboard and deterring your cat from exploring countertops will help to prevent chocolate ingestion and keep your kitty safe. Can cats eat chocolate? In a previous post I covered whether it was safe to let your cat eat bananas based on your requests. In the same pool of requests I also received can cats eat chocolate question a lot more times than I expected. Chocolate ingestion seems less common in cats (perhaps because they can't taste “sweet” things), but when it does happen, the toxicity is just as severe. Cats can’t eat chocolate. Clinical signs of chocolate toxicity usually develop within 6 to 12 hours. Just as I introduced this time, chocolate is a terrible poison for cats. If the question is if cats can eat chocolate, the answer is NO. Why Can’t Cats Eat Chocolate? However, regard chocolate for cats like alcohol for pregnant women. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You see, white chocolate has no caffeine in it; yet white chocolate, too, is dangerous for cats to eat. No! Milk chocolate Factors include the weight of the cat plus the kind and amount of chocolate consumed. That means there is plenty of it to be found by curious kitties, and if found, can cats eat chocolate? The short answer is no, cats can’t eat chocolate. If a guest asks, "can cats eat chocolate? According to Dr. Pletz, chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, both of which pose serious risks for cats and dogs. Cats and dogs will develop severe allergies and can even die from the ingestion of chocolate. The reason: Theobromine, a toxic substance when taken in excess (80 to 100 grams of chocolate ingested per kilo that the cat weighs). There are many delicious foods that humans enjoy that can be poisonous to cats.In the realm of pet poisonings, you hear more about dogs and food toxicity because they comprise the majority of … Chocolate is poisonous to cats and can cause serious harm, so it is not good for cats to eat chocolate. Let’s take a look at the possible effects chocolate can create in cats. I read about a cat owner who said her cats love Hershey’s Kisses and that she finds wrappers around the house from eaten treats. Can My Cat Eat Chocolate? Or, can cats eat chocolate cake? Help — My Cat Ate Chocolate! The answer to the question, “Can cats eat chocolate” – the answer is no. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine. Eating these ingredients can lead to a number of medical complications—some of which may be seri… Should you suspect your cat has eaten chocolate, watch out for any of the following symptoms: If you notice symptoms of illness, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Different Levels of Chocolate Toxicity. Chocolate lover. Unless, of course, they get into something that would be detrimental to their health. Chocolate is toxic to cats because it contains harmful elements such as Caffeine and Theobromine, which are powerful stimulants. It is much more common to hear stories of dogs getting ill from accidental chocolate ingestion, however chocolate can also pose a serious health risk to cats. Practice Support Staff 2020 at Petplan Award Winner. The answer to the question, can cats eat chocolate is, no. Why Is Chocolate Bad for Cats? One side-effect of chocolate is an increased heart rate. Then you get to keep the chocolate all to yourself! Humans eat many tasty things. The ugly truth about chocolates is that it can be lethal for your cat. Baker’s chocolate and dark chocolates are the worst for cats to ingest, but semi-sweet and milk chocolates can cause issues in large enough quantities. One small one-ounce square of baking chocolate can be toxic to a 10-pound cat. With so many good cat-specific options available, there’s no reason to indulge your cat in anything but the best. The quantity of chocolate consumed also plays a very important role in deciding the level of symptoms. If the chocolate consumption is very recent (usually within one to two hours) the vet may choose to induce vomiting or administer charcoal. 2  Theobromine absorbs much more slowly in cats than it does in humans so even a small amount of chocolate can be toxic to a small cat. The answer to this question is simple: no, cats are not allowed to eat chocolate . Can cats eat chocolate? Can cats eat chocolate? Can cats eat chocolate? Do not risk it! If you catch your cat in the act of eating chocolate, take them to a vet as soon as possible. Most pet owners know it’s only bad for dogs, because dogs have a sweet tooth for almost anything. Chocolate contains ingredients called theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to cats, if consumed in large enough quantities. Your kitty will not have to have his stomach pumped for eating a few Hershey’s Kisses. The straightforward answer to the question: “Can cats eat chocolate?” is a big no.Cats can’t eat chocolate. Chocolate lover. Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Chocolate includes theobromine and caffeine, both of which are methylxanthines and can be extremely harmful to cats. That's because … This type of chocolate has the highest concentration of caffeine and theobromine and very little needs to be ingested before signs of illness become apparent. The short answer to this question is NO, but why not? Although they’re not normally as curious about people foods as dogs are, cat (and kittens in particular) can sometimes eat things they aren’t supposed to eat, including chocolate. Try not to leave baked goods or even baking supplies unattended on the counter, or keep your cat out of the kitchen while baking. Whether you are bringing a Reason 3 – Carbohydrates; Chocolate contains ingredients called theobromine and caffeine which are toxic to cats if consumed in large enough quantities. But chocolate can be very dangerous for the rare cat who does eat it. Chocolate isn’t good for a cat’s dental health either; with this fact and the risk of severe side effects or even death, the acceptable level of chocolate for cats should remain at a firm zero. Most cats aren’t attracted to chocolate anyway, but you should still be careful. What about chocolate-flavored foods like ice cream? Cats are meat eaters, and most cats will not eat anything else. Every member of your household needs to be informed and understand the risks of chocolate when it comes to pets. There is some self preservation there and many of them will simply not see chocolate as a food, especially if it’s strong, dark chocolate. They’ll gobble everything before you even have time to figure out what’s happening. While cats won’t usually go and just eat a chocolate bar on their own — bless them for being so picky — they can get into trouble if an owner or friendly human thinks giving them a piece as a treat is OK. The straight short answer is no. How healthy is this for the cats? Examples include onions and garlic (when eaten in large quantities) and exposure to concentrated forms such as garlic powder can also be toxic. If questioned if cats can have a little chocolate, the answer is NO! Your email address will not be published. According to a study published in the 2006 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, chocolate is the third highest antioxidant source consumed in the U.S. following coffee and tea. This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. These cookies do not store any personal information. Do not let your cat on the counter while you are cooking. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Photos: SuziJane (top), alexgoodey/Flickr, One square of unsweetened baking chocolate, A thin slice of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, 23 Hershey’s Kisses (about a third of an 11-ounce bag), Reese’s Pieces contain only trace amounts of theobromine. In the same pool of requests I also received can cats eat chocolate question a lot more times than I expected. Can cats eat chocolate is one of the most asked questions I receive with perspective of cat diet. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We all know (or at least I hope you do) that chocolate is a big no-no for dogs. Dry cocoa powder, dark, semi-sweet, milk, and even white chocolate are hazardous for cats. If you are a cat owner, it's important to familiarize yourself with the everyday foods that can be dangerous, and even deadly, for cats. Dawn Prime is an RSQP (RAMA - Registered Animal Medicine Advisor) and an Animal Nurse Assistant within a companion animal veterinary practice on the Norfolk/Suffolk border in England. The reason for this is the cocoa contained in the chocolate. Your kitty will not have to have his stomach pumped for eating a few Hershey’s Kisses. The main reason for that is a compound in chocolate - theobromine, which is a drug from the class known as Methylxanines. Since cats rarely need to eat chocolate, this issue is not that important for most pet owners. If you feel your cat has consumed a toxic amount of chocolate, go to the vet or your nearest animal emergency room right away for treatment. After going through the answer to the question can cats eat chocolate, you might feel concerned and anxious in case your cat ate chocolate. Being owners of cats means that we are too familiar that proper nutrition is essential for our feline friends’ overall health and well-being. However, when a cat consumes chocolates, the affects can be just as bad. While dogs make up about 95% of chocolate consumption calls to pet poison hotlines, cats occasionally get into our sweet treats, too. Chocolate - Feline Poison. Let’s look into why cats and chocolate are not a good or safe mix and what you should do if your cat manages to eat chocolate. Dogs can — and will — eat almost anything, so it is more of a possibility that they will consume a large amount of chocolate. Baking chocolate is a different story. Is a little chocolate okay? Chocolate contains ingredients called theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to cats, if consumed in large enough quantities. In fact, chocolate is deemed as very toxic to cats in most cases. Your cat may naturally vomit after eating chocolate, but do not try to make your cat vomit at home without the advice of your veterinary surgeon. Theobromine is the offending substance and can cause chocolate toxicity in a cat. Can a cat eat chocolate? Theobromine is not the only reason to avoid letting your cat eat chocolate, though. But what about cats? Cats should not eat any chocolate, including chocolate ice cream, as even a small amount can cause harmful side effects, such as diarrhea. While it is tasty and harmless to humans, a simple nibble could be life-threatening for your cat. It usually comes in bars or chunks and only a tiny amount is needed to cause damage — about 1/5 of a baking square. In a previous post I covered whether it was safe to let your cat eat bananas based on your requests. No, cats shouldn’t have chocolate ice cream. Don’t forget to tell your children not to feed the cats with chocolate. In fact, chocolate can be really harmful to cats. Each time you make a purchase through one of our independently-chosen links, we’ll receive a percentage of the proceeds. Can Cats Have Chocolate? Cats should not eat any chocolate, including chocolate ice cream, as even a small amount can cause harmful side effects, such as diarrhea. Is a little chocolate okay? Chocolate is harmful to cats due to caffeine and theobromine. Most cats aren’t attracted to chocolate anyway, but you should still be careful. With this question we mainly have huge questions about this so we are here to provide a solution for why can’t cats eat chocolate or if your cat … Your email address will not be published. Baking chocolate is considered the worst and has the highest level of theobromine. Conclusion! There are many cats treats available that will be much better for your cats’ health, including highly-nutritious treats and those formulated to improve dental health. However, I really hope pet owners would consider any amount over zero to be too much. Chocolate consumption can be fatal to cats. Semi-sweet chocolate The Truth About Grain-Free Diets For Cats, Tapeworms In Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment​, What to Do if You See Blood in Your Cat’s Stool, How To Stop Your Cat Scratching Furniture, Heavy Breathing Cat – The 3 Types of Heavy Breathing and What They Mean, The Complete Feeding Guide from Kittens to Seniors. So, sadly if cats consume a high quantity of chocolate, it can lead to death. Kittens are more prone to chocolate poisoning compared to adult cats, due to their more inquisitive behavior! Bigger cats might metabolize chocolate better than small cats. Final Verdict: Can Cats Eat Chocolate. Commercial chocolates usually include milk, which many cats are actually allergic too. For some cats, this in and of itself can be a life-threatening situation. It all depends on the kind of chocolate your cat ate. Even though white chocolate is less toxic then dark or milk chocolate (white chocolate does not contain caffeine and has little theobromine in them), white chocolate is made up of cocoa butter, which is still harmful to cats. Kittens cannot eat chocolate safely and are more prone to chocolate poisoning than adult cats. I feel beyond blessed to have such sweet pets and dote on them every day. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Occasionally, (and with a glint in their eye) we give in to treating our cats. That means you should call the veterinarian if your 10-pound pet consumes: These are intended only as rough guidelines (always use your best judgment and call your vet when in doubt), but you can see how the toxicity ranges depending on the darkness of the chocolate. Cats aren’t likely to eat chocolate, though. While cats won’t usually go and just eat a chocolate bar on their own — bless them for being so picky — they can get into trouble if an owner or friendly human thinks giving them a piece as a treat is OK. But, how would a cat even eat chocolate in the first place then? If caught early enough, a vet can induce vomiting to try ridding the toxic element from your cat’s system before it builds up. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. ©2020 Cliverse Media Ltd. Grapes, raisins, and nuts are also red flag foods. The little bit of chocolate is not worth your pets life, and a hefty vet bills. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is. Remember that, contrary to what many believe, milk is not an appropriate food for cats, since the vast majority of adult cats are lactose intolerant. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This stimulant in chocolates can affect the nervous and cardiac systems if consumed in excess quantities. The answer to the question, “Can cats eat chocolate” – the answer is no. Chocolate is poisonous to cats and can cause serious harm, so it is not good for cats to eat chocolate. Cats are known to be picky eaters, so even if they do go for the chocolate, it’s uncommon and usually a small portion. Furzly Staff. Cacao contains an alkaloid called theobromine. Even though they’re less likely to try and steal it away from under your nose, chocolate is still bad for cats, just as it is for dogs. This substance is found in the highest concentration in dark and unsweetened chocolate. However, eating too much (especially darker chocolate) can become a medical emergency. By keeping poisonous and hazardous food out of reach, and providing your cat with a balanced diet, you will help them stay healthy: So, in conclusion, even if your cat does develop a taste for chocolate, you should never give in to treat them with human chocolate. A small amount of chocolate is not fatal to cats. There are also many other foods that you should not give to cats besides chocolate. Knowing your cat’s size and weight will also be helpful when speaking with a vet over the phone: this is a useful way of assessing the risk to your cat. They should not! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. And to understand why to Let’s go in-depth on why your cat should not eat chocolate. Before you leave your cat around chocolate unsupervised thinking they won’t get into it, it’s imp Can Cats Eat Chocolate: What You Need to Know When you think of an animal having a bad reaction to chocolate, it’s usually dogs not cats. However, if it is presented a s treat then they may eat it, especially if it is sweet. There are several foods that are toxic to them, so it is important that we give them only what they can eat, otherwise they could have very serious problems. So, can cats eat chocolate ice cream? Because of their small size, cats don't need to eat much chocolate to develop serious complications. Should your cat be showing signs of chocolate poisoning, your veterinary surgeon will provide them with symptomatic treatment, such as IV fluids, and should the liver become affected, your cat will also be treated for liver disease. But…can cats eat chocolate? Some flavoring can be toxic to cats, and sugar isn’t very good for them either. Can Cats Eat Chocolate. Instead, find specially formulated and feline-safe treats to give them: chocolate for cats is never a good idea! Some may be minor and others fatal. Well, some owners are kind … Cats are inquisitive and may want to take a bite from our human food, or from time to time you may be tempted to give human food, but bear in mind that some human foods can be poisonous to cats. Required fields are marked *.

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